I’m scared as hell! And I don’t say that often. But this is the one time AIDS has got me walking a tightrope. I’ve been sick for the last 15 days and there is no easy solution. Not a one!
Two weeks ago yesterday, the doctor and I had a long discussion about my overall health. I haven't been feeling well for sometime, fatigue, headaches, mild nausea. The causes could be many, from infection to depression to medicine side effects. We developed a plan to figure it out, ruling out possibilities one by one.
Needless to say, I left the doctor’s sad. Having a hard discussion about the long term impact of having advanced AIDS was not easy. I needed a break from it all. So I went to dinner with my girlfriend and fellow blogger
Dwana and we ended the day at
More Cupcakes, one of my favorite spots. It was a great ending to a hard day, but the moment I stepped into my home things changed. I had major diarrhea. By 3:00 AM it was clear to me that I was sick. It was also clear that this was new. I immediately thought that I had some kind of food poisoning. I never even got a chance to enjoy my cupcakes.

By the next day it only got worse, severe nausea, diarrhea and food sensitivity. Even the smell of food made me sick to my stomach. I didn’t call the doctor because I was sure it would pass. Then one day turned into two, turned into three and then the weekend. And by Monday morning, my doctor was out of town. By the time she came back, I was 12 days deep into whatever this was. I had lost 8 pounds. I had nausea all day everyday and diarrhea to the point of pooping on myself in public. And my sensitivity to food is unbelievable. All I have to do is take one bite of some foods and it makes me sick to my stomach. My diet has consisted of chicken and rice and crackers. Cupcakes are out of the question. In fact, sugar makes me sick beyond explanation. If I didn't know any better I would have thought I was being punished for my cupcake indulgences. But I know better.
As I described the symptoms to my doctor, her sighs got deeper and deeper. I knew this could not be good. So we developed a new plan. Treat the symptoms with the hope that it will pass. But the anti-nausea medicine was an #epicfail. The side-effects only compounded my current situation.
So here I am, scared. The solution that we are headed for is risky business in the world of
HIV/AIDS treatment and care. This shit reads like some soap opera or the making of a reality show.
It seems that I could have very well had food poisoning from my dinner. Any number of things would have caused it from the crab cakes to the sauce. *sigh* Like with most people with AIDS, food poisoning is not that simple. Having a compromised immune system leaves you vulnerable to infections that most people fight off in just a few days.
So it seems that the food poisoning made my stomach even more sensitive. An extra sensitive stomach combined with toxic medications and the mild problems I was already having increased the sensitivity and made it more difficult for me to tolerate my regular medicine regime. So the bottom line is this, it seems that my body is on toxic overload. My stomach cannot withstand my current medicine regime, as a result of the sensitivity created by the food poisoning. Unbelievable... I know... Right?
The solution is the scariest part: a
Drug Holiday. What the Hell is a Drug Holiday? Well, I will have to stop taking all of my HIV medications for a week or maybe even two to allow the toxins to leave and my body to readjust. Currently, I have way too much going on and it’s not getting any better. And, I’m losing a pound like every two days, not healthy at all. Plus, I’m freaking miserable! No joke! I am miserable!!
But there is a serious danger in taking a
Drug Holiday. I could develop a resistance to my current medicine cocktail, which means that when I try to go back on my medication, it will not work. I know what some of you are saying, there are tons of
HIV medications out there. True, but not for me.
The fact is, no matter how much you like me, or how good I look, or how much energy it seems that I have, I do have advanced AIDS. I have already taken everything under the sun. And even with complete compliance in my medicine regime I still already have serious
drug resistance. The fact is, there are not a lot of places for me to go in terms of treatment.
So I’m faced with the dilemma I have never been faced with. Stop taking my medications to get better. But the consequences could mean drug failure, which in the end limits my treatment options.
Let’s face it, I’m a walking miracle. This I truly understand. I also understand that life and death is in God’s hand. But I have also been there before. Limited treatment is no walk in the park. In fact, it is your worst nightmare with AIDS. Without effective treatment the quality of one's life could deteriorate to nothing. It is scary! I’ve been there and done that. It’s the stuff old school AIDS is made of.
In the end I know that I have to be a big girl. I must brace myself and I must pray. And I must cling to this understanding... All things work together for good to them that Love the Lord and are all according to His purpose....
Post Script: We make this decision on Friday...