I've said it over and over again, a man making you feel good between your legs doesn't equate to love.
Nor do you have to have sex with every man that makes you wet between your legs. Sometimes when you feel that feeling, you just need to cross your legs, press your thighs together, smile, enjoy the moment and keep it moving.
We are in such a rush to find that perfect mate that we get locked into the sex before you even know who that person really is and the sex keeps you much longer than you should have stayed.
Now let me be clear, I'm not acting all extra Holy. I'm a work in progress. I understand, good lawdddd there's nothing like that tingle between your legs. But I gotta a news flash for you; you can get that tingle without a man, so don't confuse feel good with love.
I know in my own life I've been on and off this roll coaster ride more times than I would like to admit. You meet a guy, you think he's the best thing since slice bread, then ummm the bread moles and you are right back on that cycle of looking for love with a dry coochie and all.
No, we haven't had sex, but we are intimate. Distance has been on our side and its given us the time that is needed to really get to know each other. In many ways distance can also be your enemy. Only time will tell us if it is meant to be. The key is to not be afraid of time.
But even your conversations, what do you spend most of your time talking about? If sex is the focus, then sex defines your relationship. Yes, it can often begin with that physical attraction but if dick and pussy dominates, then your foundation will crumble when you're not fucking.
We rush relationships when we really need to let them mature at a natural pace. While sex isn't love, loving someone isn't being in love.
Love simply stated, "Is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment." It donates a concern for their well being. It's defined as, "An unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another." Love is an emotion you can have toward, friends, family and lovers.
"In love," I would venture to say is an intense feeling of desire and attraction toward a person. Romance is critical to "In love." Sex can but doesn't have to be a part of this factor. You can fall, "In love," with a person before they even touch you. I know that for a fact! Been there, done that! But sex does become a part of the romance and intensifies the attraction. Loving that person should be your first step to falling in love with that person.
It's amazing to me how some people love the sex and don't even really like the person. Your attraction then is to the sex and that doesn't equate to love of person, it equates to infatuation.
Take the time to get to know someone. I'm not telling you how soon is to soon to have sex. I am saying if you have not had the conversation about sexually transmitted diseases, HIV testing and condoms then you are not ready to have sex with anyone, but yourself.
I am saying, you don't have to have sex with everyone that excites you! I am saying that everyone that excites you will not love you or add value to your life.
I am saying don't be in such a rush to have a mate, that you rush what needs time to grow!